Zodios Application
A Zodios application is a simple adapter for Express. It's an express instance but with full typesafety and autocompletion.
For more information on how to use express, check out the Express documentation
To upgrade an existing express application with typesafety, replace your express()
calls to zodiosApp(api)
function zodiosApp(api?: ZodiosEndpointDescriptions, options?: ZodiosAppOptions): ZodiosApp
You can also create a context aware express application with ctx.app
Context.app(api?: ZodiosEndpointDescriptions, options?: ZodiosAppOptions): ZodiosApp
Property | Type | Description |
express | Express | optional express instance - default to express() |
enableJsonBodyParser | boolean | enable json body parser - default to true |
validate | boolean | enable zod input validation - default to true |
transform | boolean | enable zod input transformation - default to false |
validationErrorHandler | RouterValidationErrorHandler | error handler for validation errors - default to defaulErrorHandler |
type RouterValidationErrorHandler = (
err: {
context: string;
error: z.ZodIssue[];
req: Request,
res: Response,
next: NextFunction
): void;
Express Application from context
import { zodiosContext } from "@zodios/express";
import z from "zod";
import { userApi } from "../../common/api";
import { userMiddleware } from "./userMiddleware";
const ctx = zodiosContext(z.object({
user: z.object({
id: z.number(),
name: z.string(),
isAdmin: z.boolean(),
const app = ctx.app(userApi);
// middleware that adds the user to the context
// auto-complete path fully typed and validated input params (body, query, path, header)
// ▼ ▼ ▼
app.get("/users/:id", (req, res) => {
// auto-complete user fully typed
// ▼
if(req.user.isAdmin) {
// res.json is typed thanks to zod
return res.json({
// auto-complete req.params.id
// ▼
id: req.params.id,
name: "John Doe",
return res.status(403).end();
Express Application
import { zodiosApp } from "@zodios/express";
import { userApi } from "../../common/api";
// just an express adapter that is aware of your api, app is just an express app with type annotations and validation middlewares
const app = zodiosApp(userApi);
// auto-complete path fully typed and validated input params (body, query, path, header)
// ▼ ▼ ▼
app.get("/users/:id", (req, res) => {
// res.json is typed thanks to zod
// auto-complete req.params.id
// ▼
id: req.params.id,
name: "John Doe",
Error Handling
Zodios express can infer the status code to match your API error response and also have your errors correctly typed.
import { makeApi } from "@zodios/core";
import { zodiosApp } from "@zodios/express";
import { z } from "zod";
const userApi = makeApi([
method: "get",
path: "/users/:id",
alias: "getUser",
description: "Get a user",
response: z.object({
id: z.number(),
name: z.string(),
errors: [
status: 404,
response: z.object({
code: z.string(),
message: z.string(),
id: z.number(),
}, {
status: 'default', // default status code will be used if error is not 404
response: z.object({
code: z.string(),
message: z.string(),
const app = zodiosApp(userApi);
app.get("/users/:id", (req, res) => {
try {
const id = +req.params.id;
const user = service.findUser(id);
if(!user) {
// match error 404 schema with auto-completion
message: "User not found",
id, // compile time error if you forget to add id
} else {
// match response schema with auto-completion
} catch(err) {
// match default error schema with auto-completion
message: "Internal error",